All You Need is Rhythm and Grit

All You Need is Rhythm and Grit

by Cory Wharton-Malcolm
Souvenir Press / Profile Books
Paperback (royal octavo), 272pp.

Apple-Nike fitness guru Cory Wharton-Malcolm‘s debut running book is a motivating read that encourages anyone and everyone to get moving. Part memoir and part how-to, the book is printed in delicious two-colour Pantone and full of lovely illustrations pulled from lively layered scenes by Alice Mollon.

Editor Cindy Chan
Page Design Heather Ryerson
Illustration Alice Mollon
Cover Design Sinem Erkas

#pagedesign #typesetting #artdirection #informationdesign

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The World-Ending Fire

The World-Ending Fire

Speculative Book Cover

A contemporary portrait of the American farmer, environmental activist and essayist Wendell Berry for a speculative cover of The World-Ending Fire, the essential collection of his most-read work.

#bookcoverdesign #bookcover #illustration #portrait #biography #nonfiction #essaycollection

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On the Origin of the Thesis

On the Origin of the Thesis

Speculative Book Cover

Inspired by a visit to the famed scientist’s home laboratory — his greenhouse in Downe, England — I created this portrait and book cover to explore the story behind Charles Darwin’s humble home tinkering and how it continues to influence our understanding of the natural world today.

#bookcover #bookcoverdesign #illustration #portrait #biography #greatthinkers

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Because Mummy Said So

Because Mummy Said So

by Shari Low  / Head of Zeus
Paperback, 360pp.

Shari Low wipes away the glossy veneer of the perfect mother in her weekly newspaper column, collected here. Cover re-design for the paperback release of the hardcover.

Unused cover designs by Heather Ryerson.

# Cover design, cover illustration, hand-drawn lettering.

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Blood Ties

Blood Ties

by Ben Crane  / Head of Zeus
Paperback, 320pp.

A memoir about how one father with Aspberger’s syndrome used falconry to connect with his son after struggling to connect.

Art direction: Jessie Price & Matt Bray

# Cover illustration, hand-drawn lettering.

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Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse

Gardening for the Zombie Apocalypse

by Isabel Lloyd & Phil Clarke  / Head of Zeus
illustrated by Christian Wood
Paperback, 240pp.

A gardening book for millennials, told through the witty device of the zombie apocalypse. This non-fiction lifestyle book makes good use of two-colour printing and is highly illustrated with diagrams, asides, quotes, footnotes, lists, and tables.

Each chapter starts with a humourous opener, stepping readers through each stage of the apocalypse. Chapters contain thorough gardening information with cheeky asides. Following each chapter is a how-to section detailing a step-by-step activity.

The illustrator has provided seven double page spreads, from which all internal spot illustrations have been created.

Published October 2019

# Cover design, typesetting, internal design, project management

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Cook House

Cook House

by Anna Hedworth  / Head of Zeus
Hardback, 320pp.

Cook House is the recipe book of rising star Anna Hedworth, founder of award-winning restaurant Cook House in Newcastle. To reflect the restaurant’s simple back-to-the-earth mantra, the book was laid out with absolute minimalist design, allowing the photography and recipes to do the talking. The cover speaks to the author’s journey — emotional, existential, and entrepreneurial — as she completed her passion project in two shipping containers.

AD & page design Jessie Price
Cover design & typesetting Heather Ryerson

# Layout, typesetting, cover design.

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Pagesmith: unique publishing collaboration

Pagesmith: dynamically rendered personalised poetry gift books

Faber & Faber + Wonderbly
Hardback x 10, 32pp.

Creative Director Donna Payne
Producer Jonathan Attenborough
Editor Steve King
Art direction and design Heather Ryerson

# art direction, cover design, page designm, typesetting and responsive front-end design coding

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Geis: A Matter of Life and Death

by Alexis Deacon / Nobrow
Hardback, 78pp.

# Compositing, artworking, layout, cover design, and typesetting.

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