Schrödinger’s Wife (and other possibilities)

Schrödinger's Wife (and other possibilities)

by  Pippa Goldschmidt
MIT Press / Goldsmiths Press
Paperback, 248pp.

The stories in Schrödinger’s Wife (and other possibilities) travel through laboratories, observatories, rockets, hotel rooms, hospitals, out to the Antarctic and into outer space, following the trails of women scientists, technicians, patients, doctors and spouses in their encounters with some of the most extraordinary aspects of modern science.

The book cover plays on the infamous scientist Schrödinger and his many-words interpretation of quantum mechanics. His wife, the undervalued protagonist of the title story, imagines her own alternative lives.

Cover illustration Heather Ryerson
Series design Kir
Series Gold SF

# cover illustration #cover design

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The Headland

The Headland

by Abi Curtis
MIT Press / Goldsmiths Press
Paperback, 248 pp.

A dual narrative set in Dungeness in the aftermath of the great storm of 1987 and the not-far future. Dolores develops an intimate emotional relationship with a creature she finds washed up in a piece of driftwood. Decades later Morgan tries to unravel the mysteries of his mother’s past, but to do so he must come to terms with his own origins. The Headland challenges ideas about love and grief, parenthood and belonging, and the very fabric of time.

The book cover evokes a unique sense of place, the weight of grief, the strike of a sudden life-changing event and the bonds of parenthood.

Cover illustration Heather Ryerson
Series design Kir
Series Gold SF

# cover illustration # cover design

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The World-Ending Fire

The World-Ending Fire

Speculative Book Cover

A contemporary portrait of the American farmer, environmental activist and essayist Wendell Berry for a speculative cover of The World-Ending Fire, the essential collection of his most-read work.

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On the Origin of the Thesis

On the Origin of the Thesis

Speculative Book Cover

Inspired by a visit to the famed scientist’s home laboratory — his greenhouse in Downe, England — I created this portrait and book cover to explore the story behind Charles Darwin’s humble home tinkering and how it continues to influence our understanding of the natural world today.

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